Under Development - No Online Sales Yet - Goes Live January 2024
Welcome to GunSafeCloak.com
Whether you own a gun safe, a jewelry safe, or any large safe to protect your valuables, hiding your safe from prying eyes is important. You don't need friends, family, neighbors, or burglars to know that you have a safe. Whether your safe is in the basement, your den, a home office, your bedroom, or at a recreational property, our gun safe cloak will help fade your safe into the background.
Like most gun safe owners, you spent hundreds or thousands of dollars for peace of mind. We don't like to admit it, but there are enough videos on YouTube showing how most safes can be opened with brute force. Keeping your safe hidden with a safe cloak can prevent you from being a target in the first place.
The first step is buying a safe. The second step is location. The third step is a gun safe cloak.
From the naked-eye or from any video device, the gun safe cloak is designed to look like a real bookshelf. The cloak creates a 3D façade. Our cloaks are not intended to “hide” the safe but to “cloak” it from the naked-eye, image, and video devices. A gun safe cloak is designed to help your safe fade into the background.